You might be the problem
Then the man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate. (Genesis 3:12)
Adam, after eating the forbidden fruit, when questioned by God, blames Eve for the sin he had committed. In as much as Eve gave Adam the fruit, he had the power to choose whether to eat it or not. The decision rested solely on him as to whether to sin or not. And how often do we also end up blaming other people or different factors, when we are the ones who made the decision that led to that bad outcome.
You might be the problem.
Have you ever thought through how things have turned out in your daily endeavors that you might be the problem?
What if it’s not the economy that is bad, but you are the one not working smart?
Might it be that that relationship ended or is struggling because of your poor communication skills?
You might be the one who is not completely surrendering, even though God is able and willing to accomplish great things through you.
Could it be that friends are not running away from you, but your behavior is pushing them away?
Perhaps God wants to answer your prayer, but you are the one doubting His power.
You might be the problem.
We often may have caused things to go wrong, but we end up posing as angels of light and putting all the blame on the other party. When things don’t work out, we always look to the other party and think about what they could have done better, but have you considered what you yourself could have done better?
It’s wrong not to take responsibility when we had a hand in things not turning out the way we expected. Some friendships, jobs, and many other things could not have been lost had we accepted that we were the problem in that situation.
For each should carry their own load. Galatians 6:5
May God give us the courage to accept when we are at fault and the strength to make amendments where possible and not to blame other people or things for our own shortcomings.